Masters Institute of Music Launches Fun and Immersive Little Masters Music Program for Kids

Masters Institute of Music is proud to have recently launched our Little Masters music program for children. This preparatory music experience geared toward kids ages 3 to 6 offers a unique and innovative way to learn about music in a no-pressure and enjoyable setting.
Through fun and imaginative activities and instruction, we make discovering music something that children want to take part in. Each student in the Little Masters program is welcomed into a musical world of instruments that allows all to take an active role in the class, yet learn at their own pace. This program is one that’s focused on the joy of learning music, in addition to receiving basic instruction that’s necessary for future advancement.
Our teachers instruct in music theory, correct posture and the fundamentals of music and instrumentation, all through movement and a kid-centered approach. Budding and young musicians learn the initial requirements to get started on their musical journey, which includes an introduction into concepts in piano, violin and guitar, among other instruments.
The Little Masters program helps children develop playing and listening skills, while fostering an appreciation for a variety of musical styles. Gradually, students accumulate the knowledge and experience they need to move on into our other classes for a chosen instrument or into our private one-one-one sessions.
We invite you to come visit us in our Northern New Jersey music school or call us to learn how your little one can reap the benefits of our Little Masters program, which includes the basics in:
Rhythmic beats to enhance coordination
Melodies and patters that are easy to understand
Activities and movement to make learning music FUN
Repetition as a way to reinforce learning
Music skills and artistic appreciation
In our Little Masters classes, young students receive some of their first interactions with important life skills like:
Taking turns and sharing
Coordination, balance and awareness
We keep class sizes small, to a maximum of 4 children, so that each receives optimal attention. Instructors teach to the ability of each student, and at the end of the session, all kids may perform in a recital. Each Little Masters graduate receives a certificate at the end of the program, and some may be invited to begin our Level 4 classes.
Call us or stop by to learn more about our new Little Masters program! Bring your little musician to experience a fun and interactive class taught by skilled professionals who make it their life’s work to share the magic of music with children.